News papers

News papers

Terms and Conditions

This page clarifies the terms and conditions for the users of this website and the mobile application of the is website visitors of this website should read carefully the terms and condition of this website which is clearly described on this page if need to contact us regarding any aspect of our terms and condition please feel free to contact with us on Contact Us Form.

For using our website you should agree with our terms and condition of use of this website which is clearly described on this page and also can see our Privacy Policy of our website and if you are not agreed to our terms and conditions you should leave immediately our website.

Our Terms And Conditions:

  • You agree that you shall not use the website for any illegal purposes, and that you will respect all applicable laws and regulations.
  • You should not use and overwrite our content such as audio, video, text, images, and other material displayed on this website for publishing on your website or social media page.
  • You are not allowed to use this website in a way that is, or can be dangerous for damaging the performance of this website.
  • This website may be showing the advertisement for our affiliate program which is Google Adsense.

we clarify that we publish the advertisement about jobs, internships from the trustable and reputable newspaper in Pakistan and we are not responsible for any fake jobs advertisement or other jobs related to the advertisement.

Jobs Finder can update and can make any change in terms and conditions which is described on this page at any stage and at any time without any notice.

Last Revised: 03-07-2019